Saturday, November 14, 2009

Summer gone already?!

It seems the summer moves at a faster pace than winter. If I stop to think about it, the opposite would apply but outside chores seem to need to be done more quickly with something always in line waiting to be done during the summer.

I was wondering why we had been busy but if I put together a list, it makes me tired. Moving 2 students 2 times, a trip to Chicago, a family reunion out of state, a trip to Florida and then the usual assorted, and obligatory, farm activities: obtaining hay - first, second and third cutting including unloading into respective areas of the barn, straw for bedding, getting sheep sheared, hooves trimmed, shots up to date, fixing fence, barn cleaning, regular old maintenance of house, barn, grounds, garden. Hmmm, I'm getting a clearer picture of why so little time to reflect.

Today's mini-event was a ram gone wrong. We are fortunate to have an area on the opposite side of our house from the barn where we can put the sheep out. They generally move to the desired area well but we have a new ram with the ewes and he is a novice at moving between sites. Today when I released them to go back to the barn, the ewes went straight away while the ram did a couple turn-abouts. The girls were gone and he had no idea where to find them. I use bait to get the sheep to head right back to the barn (read that "dinner") so the girls had no answer for his calls, they were busy eating. He would start to the barn, turn back to where he had last seen them, then head in the direction of the barn again never going far enough to see them. I tried chasing the ewes out but they wouldn't leave the barn & dinner long enough for him to catch a glimpse. Why do I do this to myself???? Eventually he did manage to get close enough to go in but what a production! That's what happens with change, pretty soon it fits pretty well. We'll get there, too.
Happy Fall!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The story of the problem peacock!

I wish I had more pictures for this but the funniest one I didn't witness in any way. The problem began simply enough, our young birds grew up! One of the two became very opinionated about EVERYTHING. How would we know that you ask?

He commented on all comings and goings. He would follow me closely, too closely, as I made my rounds of chores and bringing him his food. The bully wouldn't allow the other peacock to get into the Great Big Barn to get out of the weather. He chased my husband endlessly if he was on the mower or the tractor. The newest accessory for the tractor was a broom to swing at the crazy bird when he leapt at it or the driver. Other times he would wait for my husband from the roof of the chicken house or the barn rafters, biding his time for the optimal opening to attack.

My poor father-in-law was also the object of his attention. When he would pull toward the barn the bird would be front and center to take on the newest threat to his dominion. It was so bad on one particular day, the garbage can lid and an umbrella were the tools of choice to keep the pesky peacock at bay long enough for him to get back to his car. Wish I had a picture of that!

We resolved to find a way to be free of the menace this bird had become. Our options were to do him in (which could happen at any time with all the attacking he had started) or find a home for him.

How to solve a problem like this? Start asking everyone you know if they want a lovely, though thoroughly unpleasant peacock. It took a surprisingly short while before a taker was found. But what now, how do we catch the big guy?

Leave it to a group of bored, young twenty-something guys, that's how. Standing around after their rousing game of corn-hole and not quite ready to call it a night, Mike decided to catch a peacock. The chase was on. Up into the rafters of the barn went the bird, uh-oh, so did Mike, in his sandals and all. Move on to the platform and around to the other side, the bird was being followed and didn't like it one bit. The bird decided to make a run, er, fly for it. He aimed himself for the big door and the remaing guys dove out of the way and he was out. What about Mike? He's a pro at moving around in an old barn having spent his childhood with a very similar one. Down came Mike in hot pursuit, around the shop a couple times and the bird was cornered in the shed. He hardly resisted at all when Mike picked him up and we all declared Mike the winner!

In reality, we were all the winners because the peacock's new owner came and took him to his new digs, complete with peahens. Thanks Mike, love the new quiet country life again. Our remaining bird seems to be adjusting well and so far has not become the radical his cohort was, thank goodness. Who knows, would a peahen be good company?

A pretty but a problem bird!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What to do when you get the run around...

These little ones are not so innocent as they appear inside this fence. As with everything which is wont to run amok, the morning started very normally. Breakfast for the babies, feed the pesky peacocks and prepare a place for the sheep in the alternative pastures.

The mothers have moved into these pastures very readily for years and love to go to them for the wonderfully available scratching posts the old, gnarly apple trees afford them. The babies have been there before AND went well but I did not factor in one important thing: They are growing more independent!

As usual, the ewes followed me very readily, making the big turn and arriving in the designated pasture uneventfully. The lambs arrived at the pasture and made a big U-turn and went exploring. Unfortunately for me, they are seven and I am one. They went back up the yard, around the back of the house, back down beside the pasture, all with me in hot pursuit. The ewes were getting very agitated so I made the executive decision to release all of them and try again.

Hmmm, where will this take me? All went well, the ewes collected up their off-spring and away they went, luckily toward and into another pasture. Those lambs were not to be denied their day out and about, however! Away they went, AGAIN. Ugh! Away I went after them, through the garden, around the garage, up on the barn bank drive, circle behind the house and back up behind the barn again. Had enough yet? I had. I stopped, and decided again to change my strategy. Hey you babies, follow me this time. It worked! They followed me to close to the desired pasture, did a few more token walk-abouts and went in. Finally, the fence closed and electrified, I get to ponder the series of events.

I believe those lambs were tired of the unsettled life they had on the "lam" and were ready to be caught. What to do when you get the run around? Chase, then stop, regroup and make a plan and give them a reason to come to you. Doesn't that almost sound like what happens to us during times we are being given the run around? I guess the most important thing is to figure out the "hook". If we think long and hard enough, there is likely a hook, if we are perceptive enough to find it. Here's to thinking and being perceptive of the chase!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The first day outside.

What day is it anyway?

Life became a blur over recent weeks with the advent of lambing. Right out of the gate we had problems which gave me a sense of foreboding for the remaining ewes. The first ewe to go delivered twins which did not survive. It was a sad outcome and moved us into the unfortunate position of needing to separate her for feeding due to her reduced requirements. I held out hope that another would soon deliver triples (which she had done every year) and that would allow us an attempt at putting one of them on the other mother.

I hadn't really thought much that another would step up soon but the next night, 3:30 a.m. to be exact, I awoke and decided I would sleep better if I went and checked on action, or inaction, in the barn. Walking toward the barn I heard too much noise to be normal, baa baa baa. As I entered, all are standing looking at me, looking in and walking around. Hmmm. I walked in further and heard the characteristic mumbles the ewes do when talking to their newborns. Happily, there is LouLou with twins. One up and walking, the other in the process of being cleaned, not yet able to stand. They looked good and healthy, YES! I was hopeful but there are no more. Too bad. But let's not be greedy, two healthy lambs is a wonderful thing.

Ken and I went ahead and did the necessary doctoring and put the three of them in their own small pen, called a "jug" for reasons I don't know, to let them get acquainted without other smells or distractions. They need to know each other by smell and it makes it easier for the little ones to feed. By the time we were finished with everything, it was after 5:00. Just enough time to catch a little more sleep before we needed to get up and get ready for work! I was right, I did sleep better for having checked on things in the barn. We both fell right back to sleep, zzzzzzz.

The rest fell in line and we finished with lambing in a little over a week. A few assorted difficulties but there are 7 lambs from the 4 ewes that had live births. They are good for some laughs and I always learn a little more about what can go right as well as wrong in the process. A couple of the last lambs developed coughs. My goal of not needing the vet went by the wayside. I did get to pick his brain after her got us started with medication that seems to have nipped the pneumonia bug. I asked him about the first ewe's labor and delivery. He suspects there may have been an infection of some sort and the lambs were delivered because they had died. I don't know either but, as usual, I have learned there are some things which we cannot control and this was one of them.

Some of life's greatest lessons come from our failures. They are not enjoyable but we are all better from them if we put them in perspective and learn from them. Life and loss are lessons for the ages. Yawn, time for a rest.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A laugh out loud day.

An ordinary, go to work day evolved into a better than anticipated experience quite innocently. The regular schedule of get up, do chores and get ready for work had been the rule of the day. It was an unremarkable drive to work until it happened. Nothing big, really, but it changed the whole tone of the day.

It was snowy and cold, like every day this winter, and as I drove a commotion caught my eye off to the right. A couple dogs were running with wild abandon playing tag around a row of fir trees. They'd circle, run between trees, jump, turn, advance and retreat all the while barking and yipping. Their sport made me laugh out loud. All of a sudden my day had been changed for the better.

I found the day was improved for the duration of work, made a bit brighter by the aforementioned scene. Later in the day, the barn cats brought me another laugh out loud. I had entered the barn and found Kitty chasing a feather, catching it, and rolling and tossing it again and again.

I have never monitored how many times I laugh out loud in a day when there is no one around. I suspect it isn't all that often but now I know why we keep these animals around. The opportunity to spontaneously laugh seemed to color the remainder of the day for the better.

This day made me think about how great it is to have humor show up in unexpected ways. Here's wishing you a laugh out loud day.
Oops, this is not Kitty, it is Zorro. That is a story for another day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A good reason to go out on a "bad" day.

This particular "bad" day was gorgeous, but exceedingly cold at below zero.

The radio which awoke us that morning made me want to stay in bed. Eight degrees below zero was enough to make me welcome a warm bed. Unfortunately, that was not an option when the animals, having weathered a very cold night, needed their morning grub. Oh well.

Up and about, I got through the getting ready routine and headed out the door. This particular day had one wonderful attribute - no wind! True it was still bitterly cold and the sun was trying to lift itself over the horizon, but it was clear and beautiful with the hoar frost clinging to... everything. I needed pictures.

I spent the next 20 minutes taking pictures of bushes, fences, the chicken house, etc. I had to stop at times to put my gloves back on because my hands couldn't take the cold. I was also afraid the camera would freeze. It didn't and I got over it. It was a memorable day and I got my reward for needing to drag myself out and about on my appointed rounds.

Somehow the day seems better for having spent the time out in the wonder of the extreme world with the beauty that is there for all to see but consumed by few. I'm thankful.

I will share more of the pics, maybe when summer is here and we're all complaining about how hot it is. Enjoy every day's beauty.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The countdown has begun

Anticipation. That is what comes to mind thinking about the next few weeks. I need to begin the process of preparation for the lambs we are expecting. What does one need to do?

First of all, I have gone through all the lambing supplies making sure medications and milk replacer ( which I hope we don't need) are up to date, have an adequate supply of veterinary supplies for injections for vaccines and emergency supplies, too. I do not like to play doctor but it is necessary or the cost of keeping these animals could become prohibitive.

I think I have the supplies up to date. Tomorrow I need to update the ewe's for their vaccinations so the lambs will benefit from the booster. I may call it quits at that since more handling is harder on the ewes as time goes on.

The estimated arrival time will be near the beginning of the second week of March. That's when the more frequent barn checks begin and the anticipation of action are in the forefront of thought with each check-up.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dressed for the weather.

BRRRRRR! You know it's cold when the storm door is frosted. Chores still need to be done but it takes some preparation, O.K., lots of preparation. Carhart bib pants, pacs keep my feet toasty warm, a scarf or "turtle" from the jumble in the closet, my hat and a fleece followed by the my favorite long barn coat. No wonder extra time is required for winter chores! Once outside, though, you know how well you've done dressing by how warm you stay.
I step outside and the wind hits my face like a slap, painful. This -12 deg. day with a 10+ mph wind requires total skin coverage. Hmmm.... not cold but keep the skin covered. Thank goodness it isn't like this all the time. The dogs don't seem to mind so much, like the sheep, especially if they get access to the barn. No layers for them!
Water for the birds is a fight because I need to carry water for them and break the water in their bowl before putting in the warm water. Their perch seems adequate, too. I've read that if the perch is not broad enough for them to sit on their feet at night, their toes may freeze off. Their toes all appear normal and they are moving about normally. Good. We leave a night on at night so that they may get downfrom their perches and eat to keep warm.
No loitering in any pen, building or barn, it is way too cold for that on a day like today. Keep warm everyone.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Reflections on what we "own".

Every day, twice a day, we need to do our chores outside. That is, we need to feed the sheep, chickens and peacocks. It tends to be a solitary time when one may reflect on the events of the day, one's life or what is going right or wrong with chores.

Today it occurred to me, as I walked in the 3 degree weather, that I totally enjoy our home, how we are living and where we live. But in thinking about it, it occurs to me that what we "own", the farm, belongs to us only briefly. It has been here for over 150 years and will survive us, too. Even though we technically own it, we are really only the groundskeepers and stewards. It is our privilege to use, enjoy, and share as we please but the old adage "you can't take it with you" applies.

As a matter of fact, the same may be said about everything we own of a material nature. I have a few items that belonged to my mother and grandmothers and I do treasure them. Upon further reflection, I arrive at the conclusion that it is the MEMORIES they represent which I truly treasure.

I wonder if I can take those memories with me? I suppose it depends upon where I go! Thanks for the memories everyone.

I pormise my next blog will have pictures, I forgot how to put them on and my consultant will be here soon...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Will there be lambs?

Lambs... the questions begin nearly before the ram has been introduced to the "girls". This year the question is even more pertinent than in the past. Like every farm, we share the problems of life and death in our livestock. We have been very fortunate in the past but early December brought us trouble.

We acquired our ram at our local late summer fair from one of the fair participants. A handsome Corriedale ram (as the Corriedale breed goes!), vigorous and friendly, we brought him home. Isolation is the order of the day for any imports so as to prevent unknown diseases from getting into the flock. We have a nice pen and the ability to get him outside so we can monitor his status easily. No problem there, he is attentive to his food and to moving around the farm as we get to know him. Looking good. In due time, the ewes meet their very own ram and our hopes for spring lambs become a likelihood. A month later, we hope his work is done and his is moved back to his own bachelor's quarters.

Two weeks and two frustrating veterinarian visits later (for us and the vets) we experience the loss of our ram. We have always tried to be good stewards for our animals but the fact of the matter is that we had done the best we could for him. It is a relief to have the ordeal over and be able to sleep well again. I am thankful we have no regrets in his care. In some ways, the whole episode transfers to many aspects of our lives - live for no regrets, do your best in all your endeavors.

OOPS! The answer to the lamb question is that WE HOPE SO! More on that later, hopefully we will confirm a positive outcome. Happy New Year.